12 Lifesaving Tips On How To Get Tent Pegs Into Hard Ground

Camping trips can be so much fun, but if you’re like most of us, there’s one thing that always stands in the way of a peaceful night under the stars – setting up your tent! There’s nothing worse than banging out those tent pegs and attempting to get them into hard ground.

It can take forever, not to mention how sore your arms and hands will be afterwards from all that hammering! Thankfully, there are easier ways to get those pesky tent pegs secured – read on to discover some handy tips for getting your tent peg into even the hardest ground with ease.

I’ve been camping my whole life and can set up a tent in my sleep, but it took me years to figure out how to easily get tent pegs into hard ground without all the unnecessary effort. I’ll show you all my tips and tricks and might even recommend some tent pegs which will make your camping life much easier.

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Different types of tent pegs and which ones are best for hard ground

There are actually several different types of tent pegs, and each is best for a different type of terrain. If you’re usually camping on hard and rocky ground, it may be worthwhile to invest in heavy-duty tent pegs. In addition to the options below, there are also tent pegs that do not fit any of these categories perfectly because they have a variety of features, such as screw pegs made of plastic.

Skewer or wire peg

This is the most common type of stake and usually what most tents come with when you buy them. Skewer or wire pegs are thin, with a hook or bend at the top where you can tie off your ropes.

However, they’re prone to bending and may not be the best choice for hard ground. Level up your setup and invest in heavy-duty tent pegs instead.

Skewer wire peg tent hard ground

Meta stake peg/V peg

This type of peg is flat and shaped like a V or U, giving it more surface area than a traditional stake.

This means it won’t rotate in the soil and is less likely to be pulled in one direction, which can lead to a loss of tension in your tent lines.

Meta or V pegs can be challenging to drive into hard ground because they’re not as thin, but once they’re in there will not move.

tent pegs hard ground v shape

Pile driver/screw peg

Pile driver or screw pegs are some of the most durable and heavy-duty tent stakes out there. They look like giant screws and sometimes need a drill or other attachment to insert them. Make sure to research if you need a special attachment for your drill to use these pegs.

Screw pegs are great if you’re camping in rocky terrain and are even used by mountain climbers sometimes.

screw peg tent hard ground camping

Rock peg

Rock pegs are somewhat similar to screw pegs, but they do not have a screw thread. Instead, they have very sharp, pointy ends, almost like a nail.

They usually have a screw top so they can be inserted or removed easily by hand. Rock pegs are generally thin, and made of strong material, allowing them to be inserted into hard ground without bending.

Plastic peg

Plastic pegs are lightweight and have the benefit that they essentially do not bend, or at least not as easily as cheap metal stakes.

They do tend to break easily, though, so they’re not the best choice for hard, rocky ground. Plastic pegs are a good choice for sand or very soft earth, so bring them to stake your tent at the beach.

They’re also usually brightly coloured so you can easily find them again.

plastic peg yellow camping

Our tip: Plastic pegs are usually wider and generally larger than thin, metal pegs. This added surface area gives them more grip in soft sand and means they are less likely to be pulled out accidentally. You’ll struggle to get them into hard ground without breaking them, though.

Quick tips to get tent pegs into hard ground

I’ve set up hundreds of tents, and after years of trial and error, here are my top tips for getting pegs into hard ground.

Our tip: Do frustrating moments like this make you hate camping? Here are some ways to fix that problem.

1. Use water

Smart camping isn’t just about having the right gear, it’s also about making the most out of what you have. One neat trick to ensure your tent is pitched with ease is to use water to make hard ground soft. Simply grab a bottle or bucket and pour the contents over the area where you’d like to hammer in your stakes. Wait 10 to 15 minutes, and you’ll be good to go.

By doing this, you can help soften up the roots and ground beneath, allowing for your pegs to go in much easier. With a little bit of water and a few extra seconds of effort, you’ll save yourself time and energy getting ready for a peaceful night outdoors.

2. Invest in high-quality pegs

Whether you’re a casual camper or a serious enthusiast, choosing the right tent pegs can make a huge difference to the success of your camping trips. High-quality tent pegs are well worth the extra money, as those of lesser quality, might not provide enough stability – particularly if you’re pitching your tent on hard ground.

Investing in high-quality pegs can mean being confident that your tent won’t blow away during a gusty night! It might also save you time and convenience, as poor-quality pegs could end up getting lost in the soil. Ultimately, making sure your tent is anchored securely and safely will enhance your camping experience immeasurably.

Our tip: If you’re looking for high-quality tent pegs on hard ground these hex pegs are my top choice. They’re $12 to $15 AUD each, so they’re reasonably priced and will last you a lifetime.

3. Listen to the sound

Pitching a tent can be a great way to take a break from everyday life and reconnect with nature, but when you’re hammering in your tent pegs, it is important not to overlook some of the smaller details. One of the most important things to consider when hammering in tent pegs is the sound.

By listening carefully to the sound your peg makes when it strikes the ground, you can tell if you might be hitting a rock. Adjust the position slightly and try again in a different spot.

4. Use a stronger tool to make a hole

Trying to get your tent pegs into the ground can often be a struggle, particularly if you’re in hard soil. Performing some pre-emptive work with a drill or hammer can make it much easier; simply create one or more pilot holes in the ground and then insert your pegs.

This ensures that there’s less friction between peg and ground, allowing for easy insertion of your tent stakes – it may even save time. Don’t forget to bring your drill or hammer along on your next outdoor adventure!

5. Tie your tent off in another way

If you come across extremely hard ground where it’s impossible to get your pegs in to securing your tent, don’t panic! There are other ways to anchor it. You can try looping a rope around a nearby tree or rock and then attaching it to the loops on the corners of the tent to secure it down. As long as you make sure that whatever item you find is strong enough for your tent not to move around and potentially collapse, then this method will work great!

Our tip: Technically you can tie your tent off using your car but you have to be 100% certain you won’t forget to untie it again before you drive off so this is a risky method.

tent sunset view don't like camping peg hard ground
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

6. Choose your spot carefully

If you’re planning on putting up a tent, it’s an absolute must that you check the ground before you start trying to put in your pegs. In some places, the ground can be extremely hard, and no amount of hammering will make those pegs go in. Before you get too frustrated and decide to pack up and move on, try moving a few metres away from where you are. Maybe you’ll get lucky.

Under trees is often one of the best spots since it’s usually quite sheltered, which can make for softer ground. Taking a few moments to think about where you’re pitching your tent will likely save significant amounts of frustration in the long run!

7. Press the stakes in using a rock

If the ground is too hard and you’re struggling to hammer in your tent pegs with a mallet, here’s an easy alternative! A large flat rock can come in handy in such a situation, as it can be used to press down the pegs firmly into the ground. This trick is ideal for when you don’t want to cause too much noise or could use some extra help getting those pegs in. Using a larger surface area will help distribute the pressure and make those pegs go in easily, without unecessary effort.

8. Use a mallet (obviously)

This tip may be obvious, but if you aren’t already, use a mallet to get your tent pegs into the ground. These rubber hammers allow you to gently ease tent stakes into hard ground and work much better than a hammer. Plus, they won’t damage your pegs. Be careful not to hit your fingers, though, and tap lightly instead of using a lot of force.

Top tip: This is the best mallet or hammer in my opinion, although I’ve also used this one, which comes with an integrated stake removal tool, which is very practical but more expensive.

mallet tent pegs hard ground

9. Get a second person to help you

The beginning of getting a tent peg into hard ground is the hardest part. Once it’s in a little way, you’ll have fewer problems, but the first few centimetres are crucial. Get a second person to help you hold the peg as you use a mallet or other object to tap the peg into the ground. Just make sure not to hit their fingers.

10. Don’t use your feet to get tent pegs into hard ground

It may be intuitive to try to stomp on your tent pegs to get them in. This can easily bend them, though, and may even lead to injuries. The force of your weight will be too concentrated on the peg, which might break. Instead, as suggested in tip 7, use a flat object to spread the force out.

11. Try different angles

You should be inserting your pegs at an angle so you can tie off your tent effectively. If the ground directly under your stakes is rocky and hard, it may be useful to try a few different angles to see if you might be able to find a softer spot. Even if the peg is pointing the wrong way, you can still secure your rent using the hook, and it should hold if it’s inserted firmly into the ground.

12. Go slow and be patient

It may take time to insert tent pegs into hard ground. Go slow and use a tapping motion rather than excessive force, which may lead to broken pegs or can make you slip. It may take 10 or more minutes to get a stake into rocky ground so expect to spend some time.

Sunrise tent camping peg stake rocky ground hard
Photo by Kevin Ianeselli on Unsplash

Tent peg guide: which type should you use for hard ground

If you want to make setting up your tent on hard, rocky ground a breeze, invest in durable rock or screw pegs made from high-quality materials. You will be able to insert these easily, and they’ll withstand a lot of force.

Our tip: We actually use a variety of tent pegs for our setup. A few extras don’t take up a lot of space, and I found that having different types was the key to the perfect tent setup. I usually use at least two to four screw or rock pegs and then some V pegs and traditional wire pegs for less important tent lines.

What to look for in hard ground tent stakes

If you’re having trouble getting your tent pegs into hard ground, it may be an issue with the peg itself and not your skills and tools. You can read endless tips, but none of them will work if you’re working with low-quality tent pegs. Instead, invest in heavy-duty stakes and look out for the following when you purchase.

Our tip: Are you reading this article at a campsite because you’re struggling to get your tent pegs into rocky ground? It’s too late to buy new ones, so you might be better off just weighing your tent down with some big rocks or tying it off on a tree. Order some of the pegs we recommend at the end of this article for your next trip and save yourself the hassle.


Tent pegs come in different materials, including plastic, aluminium, stainless steel, titanium, and more. If you’re working with hard and rocky ground you should look out for stakes made of titanium or steel, which are heavy-duty and will last even when put under extreme strain.


High-quality tent pegs are often sold individually, but you can also find sets of them. You can expect to pay between $3 AUD and $20 AUD per peg, depending on the type and brand. More expensive doesn’t always mean better, though, and you can get a decent peg for under $5 AUD.


Screw pegs are designed to be screwed into the earth, which is meant to make it easier to get them into rocky ground. Some may need an additional tool or drill so you can use them effectively. Make sure the pegs actually come with the screw tool or purchase it separately if needed (and don’t forget to bring it on your camping trip).

Our tip: Drillable tent pegs are usually very reliable, but you’ll need to take a drill with you which can take up unnecessary space. They’re usually only absolutely needed if you have to secure a very large tent or awning.


It’s easier to get thinner tent pegs into hard ground than thicker ones. However, thin pegs may bend easily when they meet rocks. Go for a happy medium and get thin pegs made of steel or titanium so they’re durable but not too bulky.

Tent peg shopping list

If you need the best tent pegs at a glance, we’ve got the best ones we’ve personally been using for years right here.

Best tent pegs for hard ground: Amazon or Outback Equipment
Best tent pegs for sand: Amazon or Outback Equipment
Best value for money: Amazon or Outback Equipment
Best tent peg remover tool: Amazon or Outback Equipment
Best mallet or hammer: Amazon or Outback Equipment

Best tent pegs for hard ground

I always recommend screw pegs for hard ground because they can be worked into the soil slowly, without having to use excessive force. Definitely invest in at least four or five of these heavy duty pegs so your tent will always be secure.

Ground screw anchors

screw peg tent hard ground camping

These are the most expensive tent pegs I own and, in my opinion, the most important because they have a lot of holding power. They’re a fantastic investment, and I can’t imagine setting up my tent without them, especially because they’re drillable so no hard work is involved.

Approximate price: $40 AUD for a pack of two

Hex pegs

hex peg tent screw drillable

Honourable mention goes to these stakes, which are made by the brand Hex Pegs. They’re also drillable and do their job very well. Getting a few of these is highly recommended for your next camping trip.

Approximate price: $15 AUD per peg

Best tent pegs for sand

Plastic or V pegs tend to work best in sand, in my experience. I generally prefer plastic because they’re lightweight and don’t rust, so you won’t have to worry about that. They’re also usually brightly coloured, so you’ll spot them easily and won’t leave them behind accidentally. I buy these bright yellow stakes once every few years, and they’ve never let me down.

Approximate price: $15 AUD for a set of five

Best tent pegs for rocky ground

rock peg climbing tent pitch stake rocky ground

Rock pegs are the best for rocky ground because of their pointy tip that can be inserted just like a nail. They work best when paired with a drill or mallet and allow you to get the best grip even on the hardest surfaces. I bought my set from Outback Equipment and have been using them for years, but Amazon also has very similar ones if you’re not located in Australia.

Approximate price: $3 to $4 AUD per peg

Unusual tent pegs

If you’re looking to upgrade your tent peg game, you can go crazy and buy unusual ones. There are, for example, biodegradable pegs that won’t harm the environment if you accidentally leave them behind. You can also get glow-in-the-dark pegs or ones with little electric lights so you don’t trip over them in the dark. The possibilities are endless, but I’ve found classic pegs to be all I really need.

Our tip: I may not be the biggest fan of unusual tent pegs but what I do find helpful are these glow-in-the-dark plastic rings that you can attach to your stakes or lines so you can see them in the dark and won’t trip. I could have saved myself a lot of injuries if I had these years ago and they only cost $14 AUD for a large pack.

Why you should always stake your tent

If you’re struggling to stake your tent on hard ground, you might be tempted to just leave it and avoid using pegs at all. This is a mistake, and I speak from experience when I tell you that you should always stake your tent, no matter how cumbersome it may be. Even with gear or people inside, a tent can be lifted by strong winds, which can damage it or, in the worst case, injure campers.

If nothing works at all and you are unable to stake the tent, try to at least tie it off on a tree, rock or, as a last resort, your car (just don’t forget to untie it before you drive off). You can also place large, heavy rocks on the outside or even inside corners.

How to remove tent pegs from hard ground

You’ve done the hard work and managed to get your stakes into hard ground. So how do you manage to get them out again?

In my experience, this is even more difficult than getting the pegs into the ground in the first place. It helps a lot if you add some water and let the ground soften a bit, ideally around 30 minutes before you want to leave. You should try twisting the peg gently and wiggling it in circular motions while being careful not to bend it. It can also help to wrap a cord or rope around your wrist and the peg so you can apply more force without hurting your hands.

Our tip: Quickly wipe down your tent pegs after you use them, so they stay dry and clean. This will improve their longevity, and you won’t have to replace them as quickly.

Gamechanger: Tent peg removal tool

There is only so much you can do to try and remove tent pegs from hard ground. Especially if you’ve been camping for a few days in one spot, the soil will be very compacted, and it will be nearly impossible to remove your stakes again. If you recently invested in more expensive pegs, this will be especially frustrating because you don’t want to risk damaging them.

The best investment I ever made was this tent peg remover tool. It works like a lever and gets even the most stubborn stakes out of the ground in seconds.

It now comes with me on every single camping trip, and it’s lasted me years. Plus, it works with most types of pegs, although I don’t really recommend using it to get your screw pegs out when the ground is very rocky.

Before purchasing this one, I tried similar, cheaper remover tools which do not have the lever mechanism. I found them to be mostly useless and not really more helpful than pulling the pegs out with a rope or cord.

Approximate price: $35 AUD

tent peg extractor tool

Tent pegs for hard ground FAQ

How to hammer tent stakes into hard ground

Use a mallet and let someone hold the tent peg for you. You can also use water to soften the ground first.

Are plastic tent stakes good on rocky ground?

Plastic tent stakes break easily and are not the best choice for hard ground. Metal is much more reliable.

What are the best tent pegs for hard ground?

Get screw or rock pegs if you’re going to be camping on hard ground.

What are some tips for using tent pegs?

Use a mallet to tap them into the ground, insert them at an angle and buy durable pegs that won’t bend.

Where can I buy tent pegs?

The best place to buy tent pegs is at a store like Outback Equipment, Bunnings or Amazon.

Do tents come with pegs?

Most tents come with pegs, although you should check the exact one you’re hoping to purchase to make sure.

What are tent pegs used for?

Tent pegs are used to secure your tent to the ground and to make sure it doesn’t move during wind.

How do you stake a tent on rocky ground?

Soften the ground first using water, tap the peg in gently and use heavy-duty pegs.

What are the best lightweight tent pegs for hard ground?

Get rock pegs, which are very thin and sharp, so they’re not so heavy.

Which tent pegs are best?

Each type of tent peg is best for a different circumstance, plastic is best for sand, rock pegs are best for rocky ground, and screw pegs are best for hard ground.

What are tent pegs made of?

Tent pegs can be made of a variety of materials, including plastic, steel, aluminium or titanium.

How to peg a tent in sand?

Use plastic or V-shaped pegs if you’re camping in sand.

How to use hard ground tent pegs?

Some hard-ground tent pegs may come with a drilling tool or mallet.

How do you drive a tent peg into the ground?

Use a mallet and soften the ground with water first. Try out different angles and maybe make a hole with another tooll first.

How to remove tent pegs from hard ground?

Use a remover tool, wet the ground, and use a rope to gently pull the pegs out without damaging them.

Do I need a mallet to pitch a tent?

You don’t necessarily need a mallet to pitch a tent, but it will be very useful to get the stakes in. If the ground is soft or sandy you will be fine without a mallet.

How many tent pegs do you need?

It depends on the type of tent you have, but you’ll usually need four pegs as an absolute minimum and up to 16 or even more for medium size tents. Bring a few extras in case you lose or break a few stakes.

What are the best tent peg materials for hard ground?

If you want to buy a tent peg for hard ground, look out for materials like steel, aluminium alloy or titanium.

Before you go…

Seems like you might be unhappy with the way you’re tent setup is going. Have you considered that it might be your tent and not the pegs causing the problem? If you’re in the market for a new, reliable mid-size tent to take on your next adventure, we’ve got you covered. Looking for even more camping equipment? Our buying guide for camping chairs will help you out.

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